Book Tour Review + Giveaway: Adrenaline Rush by Cindy M. Hogan

Adrenaline Rush

Author: Cindy M. Hogan
Publication date: October 2013
Genres: Suspense, Young Adult
Goodreads | Amazon | B&N
A madman with a mission is kidnapping groups of thrill-seeking high school seniors across the country, and it’s up to Christy to stop him.

To do so, she must take on a fearless alter ego and infiltrate a group of adrenaline junkies bent on pushing life to the limit. Death-defying stunts are only the beginning: two groups fit the profile, and Christy must discover the real target before it’s too late.

If she chooses the wrong group, more people will disappear. But choosing right puts her as the prime target—with no guarantee that she’ll get out alive.

I started out reading Adrenaline Rush not really knowing what I was getting into because it had been so long since I signed up for the tour I had completely forgotten what it was about! Luckily I remembered soon after starting it just what had drawn me to read it in the first place--it's a story about a spy who goes undercover as an adrenaline junkie to be kidnapped by a madman and somehow find a way to bring him down. Sounds like a pretty crazy ride, yes?

The story starts off with Christy getting ready to go on her first real mission as a girl named Misha. I haven't read any of the previous Christy novels, but luckily this isn't part of the beginning series and you don't really need to know anything about her past to enjoy Adrenaline Rush even though she does refer to it on occasion. I found that the beginning was a little slow for my taste with her trying to figure out the adrenaline junkie groups leader and then discovering that there are actually two groups who could be targeted and trying to discover which group will be kidnapped. She had to do a lot of acting in order to get what she needed for her mission, which was to be kidnapped. At times Christy seemed to jump into things before thinking, just going with her gut. I didn't really like that honestly but with her training she seemed to know exactly what she was doing even when she didn't really know what she was doing. If that makes any sense..

After the kidnapping things started to pick up. So many questions ran through my mind.. Where were they? How was this place even possible? Who is this madman behind this horrific place and why is he doing this? How in the world is Christy going to get herself and the other adrenaline junkies out of this terrible situation, along with the others that have been kidnapped over the years? It was full of suspense. You didn't know where they were, what was going on or why, how they were going to escape because the man behind it all always had the upper hand and new just what was going to happen before it did. It was hard to know who to trust in the group of kidnapped kids.

I did have a few issues with Christy and how she went about doing things. She always seemed to put herself on the spot, just straight up asking people questions about things and making herself look suspicious in a situation that she really should have been more careful in. One slip up and she could be dead, but she still seemed to walk into danger head on focusing only on getting herself and everyone else out. No matter that it could get her killed. Other than that it was an interesting read and if you like suspense and dangerous stunts you'll enjoy reading Adrenaline Rush.

I rate this book:


About Cindy M. Hogan

Cindy M. Hogan graduated with a secondary education teaching degree and enjoys spending time with unpredictable teenagers. More than anything she loves the time she has with her own teenage daughters and wishes she could freeze them at this fun age. If she's not reading or writing, you'll find her snuggled up with the love of her life watching a great movie or planning their next party. She loves to bake, garden and be outdoors doing a myriad of activities.
Author Links: Blog | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook 


Ebook copies of Confessions of a 16-Year-Old Virgin Lips(episodes1-5) and signed copies of Watched and Protected (Books 1 and 2 in the Watched trilogy)
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This review is part of the Adrenaline Rush Book Tour hosted by Xpresso Book Tours. For more stops, check out the Tour Schedule.


  1. This sounds like a fun book. Christy sounds like she could use a bit of danger warnings though O_O Kids these days haha. Glad you liked it chickie!

  2. I'm setting up a blog tour for Cindy's next book. If you are interested in joining you can sign up here.




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